1. Introduction
The installation methods for IvorySQL include the following five:
This chapter will provide detailed instructions on the installation, execution, and uninstallation processes for each method. For a quicker access to IvorySQL, please refer to Quick installation.
Before getting started, please create an user and grant it root privileges. All the installation steps will be performed by this user. Here we just name it 'ivorysql'.
2. Yum installation
Create or edit IvorySQL yum repository configuration /etc/yum.repos.d/ivorysql.repo
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/ivorysql.repo
name=IvorySQL Server 4 $releasever - $basearch
After saving and exiting, you can install IvorySQL 4 with the following steps
$ sudo dnf install -y ivorysql4 ivorysql4-server ivorysql4-contrib ivorysql4-test
Checking installation results
dnf search ivorysql
id |
Package name |
Description |
1 |
ivorysql4.x86_64 |
IvorySQL client programs and lib files |
2 |
ivorysql4-contrib.x86_64 |
Contributed source code and binary files released with IvorySQL |
3 |
Ivorysql4-devel.x86_64 |
IvorySQL development header files and libraries |
4 |
Ivorysql4-docs.x86_64 |
Additional docs for IvorySQL |
5 |
ivorysql4-libs.x86_64 |
Shared libraries required by all IvorySQL clients |
6 |
Ivorysql4-llvmjit.x86_64 |
Instant compilation support for IvorySQL |
7 |
Ivorysql4-plperl.x86_64 |
Perl, a procedural language for IvorySQL |
8 |
Ivorysql4-plpython3.x86_64 |
Python3, a procedural language for IvorySQL |
9 |
Ivorysql4-pltcl.x86_64 |
Tcl, a procedural language for IvorySQL |
10 |
ivorysql4-server.x86_64 |
The programs required to create and run an IvorySQL server |
11 |
Ivorysql4-test.x86_64 |
Test suite released with IvorySQL |
12 |
ivorysql-release.noarch |
Yum Source Configuration RPM Package of HighGo |
3. Docker installation
Get IvorySQL image from Docker Hub
$ docker pull ivorysql/ivorysql:4.2-ubi8
Run IvorySQL
$ docker run --name ivorysql -p 5434:5432 -e IVORYSQL_PASSWORD=your_password -d ivorysql/ivorysql:4.2-ubi8
-e Parameter Explanation
Parameter Name |
Required |
Description |
No |
Database user, default is ivorysql |
yes |
Database password |
no |
Database name,default is ivorysql |
no |
Modify host authentication method,reference value:md5 |
no |
Add additional parameters to initdb,reference value:"--data-checksums" |
no |
Define the data directory to be located in another path or folder (e.g., subdirectory), defaulting to /var/lib/ivorysql/data |
no |
Define the IvorySQL transaction folder path, which defaults to a subdirectory within the data directory (PGDATA) |
4. rpm installation
Installing dependencies
$ sudo dnf install -y lz4 libicu libxslt python3
Getting rpms
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget
Installing rpms
Use the following command to install all the rpms:
$ sudo yum --disablerepo=* localinstall *.rpm
IvorySQL then will be installed in the /usr/local/ivorysql directory.
5. Source code installation
Installing dependencies
$ sudo dnf install -y bison readline-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel
$ sudo dnf groupinstall -y 'Development Tools'
Getting source code
$ git clone
$ cd IvorySQL
$ git checkout -b IVORY_REL_4_STABLE origin/IVORY_REL_4_STABLE
In the IvorySQL directory run the following command with --prefix to specify the directory where you want the database to be installed:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4
Run the following command to compile the source code:
$ make
When the compilation is completed, you can test the result with 'make check' or 'make all-check-world' before your installation. |
Run the following command to install the database system, IvorySQL then will be installed in the directory specified by --prefix:
$ sudo make install
6. deb installation
Installing dependencies
$ sudo apt -y install pkg-config libreadline-dev libicu-dev libldap2-dev uuid-dev tcl-dev libperl-dev python3-dev bison flex openssl libssl-dev libpam-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libossp-uuid-dev libselinux-dev gettext
Getting deb
$ sudo wget
Installing deb
$ sudo dpkg -i ivorysql-4.2.x86_64.deb
IvorySQL will then be installed in the /usr/local/ivorysql directory.
7. Start Database
Users following the instructions in Yum installation, rpm installation, Source code installation and deb installation need to manually start the database.
Granting permissions
Execute the following command to grant permissions to the installation user. The example user is ivorysql, and the installation directory is /usr/local/ivorysql.:
$ sudo chown -R ivorysql:ivorysql /usr/local/ivorysql
Setting environment variables
Add below contents in ~/.bash_profile file and source to make it effective:
export PATH
export PGDATA
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Initializing database
$ mkdir /usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4/data
$ initdb -D /usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4/data
The -D option specifies the directory where the database cluster should be stored. This is the only information required by initdb, but you can avoid writing it by setting the PGDATA environment variable, which can be convenient since the database server can find the database directory later by the same variable. For more options, refer to initdb --help.
Starting IvorySQL service
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4/data -l ivory.log start
The -D option specifies the file system location of the database configuration files. If this option is omitted, the environment variable PGDATA in [setting-environment-variables] is used. -l option appends the server log output to filename. If the file does not exist, it is created.
For more options, refer to pg_ctl --help.
Confirm it’s successfully started:
$ ps -ef | grep postgres
ivorysql 130427 1 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/ivorysql/ivorysql-4/data
ivorysql 130428 130427 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer
ivorysql 130429 130427 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: background writer
ivorysql 130431 130427 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: walwriter
ivorysql 130432 130427 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher
ivorysql 130433 130427 0 02:45 ? 00:00:00 postgres: logical replication launcher
ivorysql 130445 130274 0 02:45 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto postgres
8. Connecting to IvorySQL
Connect to IovrySQL via psql:
$ psql -d <database>
psql (17.2)
Type "help" for help.
The -d option specifies the name of the database to connect to. ivorysql is the default database of IvorySQL. However,IvorySQL of lower versions need the users themselves to connect to postgres database at the first connection and then create the ivorysql database.The latest IvorySQL can do all these for users. For more options, refer to psql --help.
When running IvorySQL in Docker, additional parameters need to be added, like: psql -d ivorysql -U ivorysql -h -p 5434 |
9. Uninstallation
No matter which method is used for the uninstallation, make sure the service has been stopped cleanly and your data has been backed up safely. |
9.1. Uninstallation for yum installation
Run the following commands in turn and clean the residual folders:
$ sudo dnf remove -y ivorysql4 ivorysql4-server ivorysql4-contrib ivorysql4-test
$ sudo rpm -e ivorysql-release-4.2-1.noarch
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/ivorysql
9.2. Uninstallation for docker installation
Stop IvorySQL container and remove IvorySQL image:
$ docker stop ivorysql
$ docker rm ivorysql
$ docker rmi ivorysql/ivorysql:4.2-ubi8
9.3. Uninstallation for rpm installation
Uninstall the rpms and clear the residual folders:
$ sudo yum remove --disablerepo=* ivorysql4\*
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/ivorysql