兼容Oracle like

1. 目的

  • 本文档意在为使用 like 模糊查询的人员提供一个深入了解兼容Oracle 的模糊查询like实现的过程,是like兼容的实现文档。

2. 功能说明







3. 测试用例

create table t_ora_like (id int ,str1 varchar(8), date1 timestamp with time zone, date2 time with time zone, num int, str2 varchar(8));
insert into t_ora_like (id ,str1 ,date1 ,date2) values (123456,'test1','2022-09-26 16:39:20','2022-09-26 16:39:20');
insert into t_ora_like (id ,str1 ,date1 ,date2) values (123457,'test2','2022-09-26 16:40:20','2022-09-26 16:40:20');
insert into t_ora_like (id ,str1 ,date1 ,date2) values (223456,'test3','2022-09-26 16:41:20','2022-09-26 16:41:20');
insert into t_ora_like (id ,str1 ,date1 ,date2) values (123458,'test4','2022-09-26 16:42:20','2022-09-26 16:42:20');

select * from t_ora_like where str1 like 'test%';
   id   | str1  |               date1               |    date2    | num | str2
 123456 | test1 | 2022-09-26 16:39:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:39:20+08 |     |
 123457 | test2 | 2022-09-26 16:40:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:40:20+08 |     |
 223456 | test3 | 2022-09-26 16:41:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:41:20+08 |     |
 123458 | test4 | 2022-09-26 16:42:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:42:20+08 |     |
(4 rows)

select * from t_ora_like where date1 like '2022%';
   id   | str1  |               date1               |    date2    | num | str2
 123456 | test1 | 2022-09-26 16:39:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:39:20+08 |     |
 123457 | test2 | 2022-09-26 16:40:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:40:20+08 |     |
 223456 | test3 | 2022-09-26 16:41:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:41:20+08 |     |
 123458 | test4 | 2022-09-26 16:42:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:42:20+08 |     |
(4 rows)

select * from t_ora_like where date2 like '16%';
   id   | str1  |               date1               |    date2    | num | str2
 123456 | test1 | 2022-09-26 16:39:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:39:20+08 |     |
 123457 | test2 | 2022-09-26 16:40:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:40:20+08 |     |
 223456 | test3 | 2022-09-26 16:41:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:41:20+08 |     |
 123458 | test4 | 2022-09-26 16:42:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:42:20+08 |     |
(4 rows)

select * from t_ora_like where id like '123%';
   id   | str1  |               date1               |    date2    | num | str2
 123456 | test1 | 2022-09-26 16:39:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:39:20+08 |     |
 123457 | test2 | 2022-09-26 16:40:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:40:20+08 |     |
 123458 | test4 | 2022-09-26 16:42:20.000000 +08:00 | 16:42:20+08 |     |
(3 rows)

select * from t_ora_like where id like null;
 id | str1 | date1 | date2 | num | str2
(0 rows)